井の頭弁財天堂は、『井之頭略縁起』によれば平安時代の天慶年間(938年-947年)源経基が創建したものと伝えられ、その後源頼朝が1197年(建久8年)に再建し、別当となる坊舎が立てられたと伝えられる。1333年(元弘3年)新田義貞が鎌倉を攻めた際に焼失し衰退していたが、江戸時代に入り3代将軍徳川家光によってようやく再興されたという。1923年(大正12年)の関東大震災で被害を受け、現在の堂舎は昭和初期に再建されたものである。 縁起によれば、本尊の弁財天像は789年(延暦8年)平安時代の僧で最澄の作と伝えられている。
Find all the sightseeing attractions on one map with open tourist world atlas OpenTripMap. Choose attractions, book hotels, plan itineraries and share them with your friends. The project accumulates data from open global sources and encompasses over 10 million tourist attractions and facilities around the world.
With us you can:
choose places of interest (more than 150 available types of tourist attractions for every taste);
find out more about tourist attractions with one click;
look into the daily happenings from different cities and explore the resorts via webcams;
prepare the most convenient itineraries;
search and book hotels.
The service uses open data from OpenStreetMap and Wikimedia projects. These projects are supported by a community of enthusiasts from all over the world and contain tens of millions of objects of interest to travelers.
We also use open data from Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. We use the Flickr API but is not endorsed or certified by Flickr.
Everyone can contribute to the Atlas development by adding new information about tourist sites. Changes made by OpenStreetMap и Wikimedia users will be available on OpenTripMap project.
You can use our REST API for developers ( API specification).
We are happy to get your feedback. Write to us at support@opentripmap.com
OpenTripMap - Let’s Open the World Together!
Save your data using your existing OpenStreetMap or Google account.
Sing in with OSMSing in with GoogleWe have REST API for developers ( API specification)
You have 12 hours to download your order, after this the files will be removed.
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